The Benefits of Taking Magnesium Glycinate: A Comprehensive Guide

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in many bodily functions, from muscle relaxation to energy production. It is also known to have a positive impact on blood pressure and can help reduce the risk of migraines. Magnesium glycinate is a form of magnesium supplement that is highly absorbable and less likely to cause side effects than other forms, such as magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate. In this article, we will explore the benefits of taking magnesium glycinate, its dosage recommendations, and how it can be used to improve overall health.

We will also discuss the potential side effects of taking too much magnesium and how to get enough of this essential mineral from natural sources.

What are the Benefits of Taking Magnesium Glycinate?

Magnesium glycinate is a form of magnesium supplement that is highly absorbable and less likely to cause side effects than other forms, such as magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate. Because magnesium helps muscles relax, it can decrease asthmatic spasms. A survey of clinical studies suggests that this benefit seems to be more available to children than adults.

Measuring magnesium levels in the blood can show misleading results because magnesium is found inside cells or bones, rather than in the bloodstream. Because it is absorbed in the intestines, it is less likely to have a laxative effect compared to other magnesium supplements, such as magnesium citrate.

What are the Recommended Dosages for Magnesium Glycinate?

Magnesium glycinate dosage recommendations depend on factors such as age, weight, health status, medical history, and whether or not you are magnesium deficient. Magnesium sulfate can be received by injection or intravenously in a clinical setting under the care of a physician for low magnesium and other specific clinical scenarios (for example, given how common magnesium deficiency can be, many doctors now recommend magnesium supplements to their patients, which fortunately are easy to find, cheap and available in several forms, including powders, salts, topical oils and capsules). Keep in mind that an overdose of this measure would require a person to take thousands of milligrams of magnesium daily, which far exceeds the dose of a typical magnesium supplement.

Are There Any Side Effects Associated with Taking Magnesium Glycinate?

Excessive levels of magnesium can lead to stomach disorders, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, because almost all forms of magnesium can have a laxative effect.

Taking large or frequent doses of magnesium dietary supplements, including magnesium glycinate, can cause side effects, such as diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps.

How Can I Get Enough Magnesium from Natural Sources?

While magnesium supplements may be helpful, of course, it is ideal to also consume plenty of magnesium from natural whole-food sources, especially nutrient-rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, avocados, nuts, bananas and sweet potatoes. In conclusion, taking magnesium glycinate can provide numerous health benefits due to its high absorption rate and lack of laxative effect compared to other forms. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking any form of supplement and ensure that you are getting enough from natural sources as well.

Miranda Jimeno
Miranda Jimeno

Wannabe web enthusiast. Hardcore bacon fan. Twitter fan. Award-winning zombie trailblazer. Subtly charming coffee evangelist.