Which Form of Magnesium is the Best for Your Health?

Magnesium is an essential mineral for human life, with the average adult body containing 25 grams of it. It is necessary for hundreds of body processes, and it also acts as an electrolyte. Magnesium supports a healthy inflammatory response, builds and maintains muscles, offers more stable blood sugar control, aids metabolism, increases energy, and keeps bones healthy and strong. It is also known for its ability to affect our neurological health. Various types of magnesium are suitable as dietary supplements, such as magnesium citrate, glycinate and lactate.

Other types have topical uses, such as in baths or on the skin. Research has shown that 150 to 300 mg of magnesium glycinate (or mixed with a magnesium taurinate) taken several times a day has shown a marked improvement in cases of depression, anxiety and memory loss. Magnesium citrate is more affordable, absorbs well and gently helps loosen stool if that is the desired effect. Magnesium oxide is the most affordable form of magnesium you'll find, but it has poor bioavailability (is poorly absorbed). Magnesium carbonate is converted to magnesium chloride in the stomach and may offer antacid benefits to calm the stomach by taking the supplement in powder form.

Magnesium l-threonate is expected to have the ability to improve learning and memory in people suffering from dementia. It is important to talk to your doctor before starting a more important supplement such as magnesium citrate, as it is often difficult to tolerate such large doses of magnesium without causing digestive discomfort. A good body storage of magnesium will improve your health, mood and overall functioning, so it's very important to find the best type of magnesium for you. If you suffer from occasional constipation, magnesium citrate is probably your best option. I prefer to use magnesium citrate in powder form so that the extra water helps promote regular bowel movements. Magnesium oxide usually comes in tablet form and you may need a higher effective dose since it absorbs worse than a form of citrate or glycinate.

Magnesium carbonate plus citric acid is one of my favorite options, as it is pleasant to drink and offers a pleasant feeling of calm to the stomach. Exceptionally, magnesium citrate has been studied for the prevention of migraine. However, research has found that for the prevention of some types of migraines or to lessen symptoms, fairly high doses (about 600 mg) are likely to be needed. A woman's magnesium and calcium levels fluctuate throughout her menstrual cycle. During the premenstrual phase, magnesium levels may become deficient or at their lowest point, and researchers believe that adding magnesium may reduce symptoms. I have seen a lot of information published about magnesium and its benefits, but none about its ability to help with neuropathy.

I know that alcohol and omeprezole deplete your magnesium and low magnesium content can cause anxiety, high blood pressure and muscle contractions, all of which have been linked to neuropathy. Therefore, it wouldn't hurt to take a magnesium supplement since my anxiety and stress levels are high. In general, there is little high-quality evidence to show that the body can absorb a lot of magnesium from magnesium sulfate baths. Since the amount of magnesium bioavailable through food may be low, it is easier and more effective to take magnesium supplements.

Miranda Jimeno
Miranda Jimeno

Wannabe web enthusiast. Hardcore bacon fan. Twitter fan. Award-winning zombie trailblazer. Subtly charming coffee evangelist.